Monday, September 2, 2013

There's a difference between Dementia and Alzheimer's:

Please help spread awareness!
September is Alzheimer's and Dementia Awareness Month so I decided to share something I learned this past weekend about these 2 types of "memory loss" diseases. (I placed that in quotations because it's much more than that).   I do a lot of reading in my spare time because I want to be prepared and knowledgeable on the types of things my mother is going through on a day to day, sometimes even hour to hour, minute to minute, second to second basis.  I'm serious; one second my mother will know where she is, the very next she might have forgotten.  This disease is that powerful.  As you read this, please put yourself in the place of someone who suffers with this chronic disease.  I read anything from pamphlets given to me by friends and doctors, books that are recommended to me, websites that I come across, personal blogs, etc.  There is a world of information out there readily available for anyone wishing to learn more about Dementia and Alzheimer's and with that said, I personally welcome any and all information from those willing to share with me.  

As long as my mother has been living with me (for about 3 years now), I've heard these two things grouped together: Dementia and Alzheimer's.  Well, when I ask people about the differences between the 2, they don't ever have a clear explanation, I'm talking about doctor's as well.  One doctor told me that Dementia was not a specific disease. It's an umbrella term that explains a wide range of symptoms.  

I've never quite understood what that meant until recently when I was doing some online research on the subject of "The differences between Alzheimer's and Dementia).  The first thing I noticed is when on my phone, I'd try to type out "Alzheimers" but it would constantly correct it to "Alzheimer's" with an apostrophe.  I just learned that this is because Alzheimer's belongs to a specific group that is Dementia.  Alzheimer's is a TYPE of Dementia.  My mother suffers from VASCULAR Dementia, so there are different types of Dementia (which I did know) however did not know that Alzheimer's fell under that same "umbrella".  What is Dementia To see what Dementia is CLICK HERE . 

What is the difference between Alzheimer's and Dementia To better understand the difference between Alzheimer's and Dementia CLICK HERE .

There is no better way to recognize Alzheimer's and Dementia Month by learning more about the disease and spreading awareness, I hope this was helpful to you as it was for me.  Thank you for your readership and support - please comment, and or continue to share my blog with others, in doing so you are helping spread awareness!

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